So there I am trying to build a line boring setup on my roll top Triumph - part of the Cooper steering rack project. I've decided to fix the rack jig to the ample area either side of the cross slide - with one t slot on the chuck side and two to the right of the cross slide. But something isn't right, the thick steel plates I've made aren't sitting at the same height...
I Measured each side, the front land nearest the chuck is 50 thou or so higher! Ok I can shim the rear one (I need the jig to mill the pinion recesses so it has to sit flat on the mill table), but it is a faff I wasn't expecting. So why did they do this?
I Measured each side, the front land nearest the chuck is 50 thou or so higher! Ok I can shim the rear one (I need the jig to mill the pinion recesses so it has to sit flat on the mill table), but it is a faff I wasn't expecting. So why did they do this?